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expansive fiscal policy中文是什么意思

用"expansive fiscal policy"造句"expansive fiscal policy"怎么读"expansive fiscal policy" in a sentence


  • 扩张性财政政策


  • Among them , expansive fiscal policy plays a main role
  • The active roles of expansive fiscal policy lie in two respects in economy of stabilizing and promote increasing
  • When fiscal revenues are not enough to offer extra fund , expansive fiscal policy can be used to give play to the role of improving the balanced rate of economy growth
  • So analyze after expansive fiscal policy to analyze further the national debt and deficit . the basic conclusion is that appropriate deficit and national debt can play a role i
  • The thesis will study expansive fiscal policy in economic stability and economic growth to give a rational explanation for the phenomenon of whole economic expansion going with fiscal policy expansion from the theory angle , and give a concrete explanation in terms of real example
  • The fiscal policy in the modern meaning started in the 1930s . on practice , roosevelt new policies made a beginning through building public project with fiscal allocations in participating in and solving for employment problem . in theory , expansive fiscal policy of keynesianism established the theoretical foundation in stability economy with fiscal means
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